Archive for Category : C Archives - CD-2-DVD // Conversions, Software & Custom Installers


Call of Duty Black Ops (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *INNO+FreeArc* 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: CODBO. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Download the ‘CODBO_2xDVD5.rar’ file from HERE and extract the contents of the RAR file to the ‘CODBO’ folder overwriting any files if prompted. 3) Install the[…]


Codename Panzers: Cold War (1xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘n00b_bi22o’ (DVD9 to 1xDVD5) [Multi6] [ENGLISH-Only] 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: CodenamePanz_CW. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of the Codename Panzers: Cold War DVD9 to the CodenamePanz_CW folder. 3) DELETE the following folders: (including all files and subfolders[…]


Colin McRae – DiRT 2 (1xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’ (DVD9 to 1xDVD5) *1 LANGUAGE* FREEARC+IS loader 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: CM_DIRT2. This will be our ‘working’ folder only. 2) Create another Temp folder inside the ‘CM_DIRT2’ and Name this folder: DiRT2 NOTE: This folder MUST be named exactly as written! 3) Copy all the[…]


Colin McRae DiRT 2 (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘ecik-CZ’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) Install Sequence: DVD1 – DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: DISK1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: DISK2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Colin McRae DiRT 2[…]


Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight (1xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’ (DVD9 to 1xDVD5) *ENGLISH VERSION ONLY* 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: CC4_TT. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of the Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight DVD9 to the CC4_TT folder. 3) Download ‘CNC4_EN_1xDVD5.7z’ file from HERE and[…]


Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight (1xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘yener90’ (DVD9 to 1xDVD5) [MULTI 4] (DE\FR\PL\EN) *One Language* This conversion uses a ‘Recompressor.exe’ which as the name suggests, compresses some files and also Deletes the other language files you don’t want, leaving you with just ONE Language. When using the ‘Recompressor.exe’ you will get the chance to choose your chosen Language from[…]


Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘pakrat2k2’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *ENGLISH ONLY * -Includes Offline Crack- Install Sequence: DVD1 – DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents[…]


Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘pakrat2k2’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *Multi Release* Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2-DVD1 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Command & Conquer 4[…]


Company of Heroes Anthology (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘jpaf84’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *Includes the Patches in the Install* 1) Install the game from the Company of Heroes Anthology DVD9. 2) Update the game to latest version 3) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: COHA_D1. 4) Download the ‘COHA.rar’ file from HERE and extract the contents of the[…]


Company of Heroes Tales of Valor (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘yener90’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *ENGLISH ONLY* Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: CoH_ToV. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: CoH_ToV2. This will NOT be the name (Label) of DVD2. NOTE: Both created DVD5’s will use the SAME LABEL when[…]


Company of Heroes Tales of Valor (GERMAN) (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘yener90’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *GERMAN ONLY* Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: CoH_ToV. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: CoH_ToV2. This will NOT be the name (Label) of DVD2. NOTE: Both created DVD5’s will use the SAME LABEL when[…]


Crysis 2 (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘senseman’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *Multi5* (EN/CZ/IT/PL/RU) Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Crysis 2 DVD9 to[…]


Crysis 2 (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘senseman’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *Multi5* (EN/CZ/IT/PL/RU) Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2-DVD1 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Crysis 2 DVD9 to[…]


Crysis 2 (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘senseman’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) *Multi5* (EN/DE/FR/ES/TR) Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Crysis 2 DVD9 to[…]


Crysis 2 Limited Edition (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘analog70’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) [Multi2] (EN/IT) Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the Crysis 2 DVD9 to[…]


Crysis 2 Limited Edition (3xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘senseman’ (DVD9 to 3xDVD5) [Multi9] (CS/DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/PL/RU/TR) Install Sequence: DVD1-DVD2-DVD3 1) Create 3 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Disc1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name another folder: Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. Name the other folder: Disc3. This will be the name (Label) of[…]


Cursed Mountain (2xDVD5)

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’ (DVD9 to 2xDVD5) 1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: CMOUNTAIN_1. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: CMOUNTAIN_2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2. 2) Copy all the contents of the ‘Cursed Mountain’ DVD9 to the CMOUNTAIN_1 folder. 3) Download[…]

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