Aion (2xDVD5) or (3xDVD5)

Categories: A, DVD9 to DVD5
Tags: No Tags
Published on: September 2, 2011

Conversion by ‘pakrat2k2’

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: Aion_D1. This will be the name (Label) of our First DVD.

2) Copy all the contents of the Aion DVD9 to the Aion_D1 folder.

3) Download the needed Aion.ISCab files from HERE and extract the contents of the RAR file to the Aion_D1 folder overwriting any files if prompted.

4) Double Click the ‘editlayout.bat’ file in the Aion_D1 folder and wait for the process to finish.
(changes the layout of the DVD from a Single Dual Layered 9GB to DVD5 4GB ) It only takes a minute or two.

5) Double Click the ‘repackcabs.bat’ file in the Aion_D1 folder and wait for the process to finish. (this can take time AND Hard Drive space, make sure you have plenty of Freespace ~20GB ) be patient and wait till it ends.

This repacks the ‘’ file from 9GB down to 4GB. It also creates another ‘’ file that will make up the rest of the split ‘’ file.
Note: Some versions MAY end up with file as well.

6) Double Click the ‘cleanup.bat’ file in the Aion_D1 folder and wait for the process to finish.
(this removes the now unwanted files you downloaded in the rar file which were only used to edit the layout and the repack processes)

7) Create another Temp folder on your hardrive and name it: Aion_D2
NOTE: Those with the version of the game which also creates a ‘’ file will also need another Temp folder named: Aion_D3

8) From the Aion_D1 folder COPY the ‘Embedded’ folder and the ‘launcherextension’ folder to the ‘Aion_D2’ folder.

9) From the Aion_D1 folder MOVE the ‘’ file to the ‘Aion_D2’ folder.

*Only do Steps 10 and 11 if the repack process also created a ‘’ file.

10) From the Aion_D1 folder COPY the ‘Embedded’ folder and the ‘launcherextension’ folder to the ‘Aion_D3’ folder.

11) From the Aion_D1 folder MOVE the ‘’ file to the ‘Aion_D3’ folder.

Each DVD’s file layout should now be:

Aion_D1 folder (DVD1) – all files / folders ‘except’ data3 / data4 cab files.

Aion_D2 folder (DVD2) – Embedded folder + launcherextension folder + file.

Aion_D3 folder (DVD3) – *if needed* – Embedded folder + launcherextension folder + file.

12) Create ISO’s of the contents from the 2 or 3 Temp folders to TEST the Install.

13) If the test is ok burn the contents of the Aion_D1 folder to a DVD with the Label: Aion_D1

14) Burn the contents of the Aion_D2 folder to a DVD with the Label: Aion_D2

15) Burn the contents of the Aion_D3 folder to a DVD with the Label: Aion_D3

NOTE: You can use any Labels you choose.

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