Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Categories: CD to DVD, L
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 12, 2011

1) Create a temporary folder on you hardrive. (I called mine ROTK_DVD)
2) Copy all the files from CD1 to this temporary folder.
3) Copy only the “data_2.pac” from CD2.
4) Copy from CD3 the following files:


5) Next open the file “common_filelist.txt” with Notepad and change all the first numbers down the list to 1″s.
6) Create another folder for the Crack and the serial.

7) NOTE: There are two choices on how to proceed.
1. You can burn the contents of the temporary folder to a DVD using the label ROTK_DVD. BUT at the end of the install it will ask you to insert the correct CD! You can choose ok and the message will disappear. (The installation has worked but the setup wants the play CD.) Then swap the game exe for the Cracked exe you included on your DVD and then play the game without the disk.
2. OR You can swap the game exe for the cracked exe on the DVD before you burn it. Doing it this way will stop the “insert correct CD” message from appearing BUT the game will start to play straight away after installing! Then you will go through a very long intro before you are able to escape out of the game!

Conversion by: Grumpy

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