Final Fantasy VII

Categories: CD to DVD, F
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 10, 2011

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: FF_VII. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.

2) Download my FF_VII Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the RAR file to the FF_VII folder overwriting any files if prompted.
(Custom Installer created by Prophet07.)

Note: All folders needed for the conversion are included in the .rar file.
Also included are the required Updates and Crack.
The folders and files included are as follows:


3) Copy the contents of the FF7 INSTALL disk to the FF_VII folder.

4) Copy all of the movie files from Cd1, Cd2 & Cd3 to the Movies Folder which is inside the Movies directory. (E.g. movies/movies) (106 Files Size=880 Megs).

5) Burn the contents of the Temp directory (FF7_VII) using the label: FF7_VII

IMPORTANT: This game MUST be installed to its Default install Directory! If you change this the installer will NOT work.

NOTE: The file “Update Registry.exe” is copied over to the games install directory when the game is cracked. This is because it has to be run from the games install directory to get past the movies loading up on the HDD.

Conversion by: Prophet07

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