Street Fighter IV (1xDVD5)

Categories: DVD9 to DVD5, S
Tags: No Tags
Published on: September 10, 2011

Conversion by ‘napalmguy’

(DVD9 to 1xDVD5)

NOTE: This game will fit onto a Single DVD5 if you DELETE the ‘gamesforwindowslive’ installer and REPLACE it with the newer smaller version available from Microsoft.

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: SFIV

2) Copy all the contents of the ‘Street Fighter IV DVD9’ to the ‘SFIV’ folder.

3) DELETE the ‘gamesforwindowslive’ installer from the ‘essentials\gamesforwindowslive’ folder.

4) Download the newer smaller ‘gamesforwindowslive’ file from Microsoft and Rename it to exactly the same as the DELETED file and place it back into its folder.

5) ) Burn the contents of the ‘SFIV’ folder to a DVD (or Create an ISO) with the same Label as the Original Disc.

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