Red Faction 2

Categories: CD to DVD, R
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 26, 2011

Note: This is an older game but backing it up presents an interesting challenge and the technique used may be off some use in the future.

You will need the following:

Red Faction & working No CD file(S) etc

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: RFACTION2_1. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.

2) From CD2 copy the file to the Temp folder.

3) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder Except the following files:

– – this is for later, the file is undersize but is a part of the installation process, trying to copy it directly will only produce data errors!
– bitpool.rsc
– cd.idx
– leadout.ofs
– _ @ 108.45 mb

These are DUMMY files, put there to prevent copying.

4) Now install BLINDWRITE 5 or better. (It does not have to be registered to do this)

5) Use Blindwrite to make an IMAGE File of the CD – if all goes well just extract the files into your temporary folder and move onto Step 8.

6) If Blindwrite does not make an image file but instead reports errors, allow some time – say 30 minutes – then stop BLINDWRITE and KEEP THE PARTIALLY completed file, this should be long enough for Blindwrite to have copied the file into the partial file, this is the only file that you will need from CD2.

7) Now use ULTRA ISO to EXTRACT the DATA2.CAB file from the PARTIAL Blindwrite file and put it into your RFACTION2_1 folder.

8) Now use ULTRA ISO to EXTRACT the DATA2.CAB file from the PARTIAL Blindwrite file and put it into your RFACTION2_1 folder.

9) Create another folder’s for any Updates, Serial, Patches and or Cracks etc.
NOTE: Name this/these folder’s whatever you want.

10) As a test you should now be able to install Redfaction 2 from your hard drive.

11) Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: RFACTION2_1

Note: To create a CD backup simply burn as above to a CD using the Label RFACTION2_1, but WITHOUT Data3 and copy disk 2 directly.

Conversion by: Harmless

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