Mass Effect 2 (2xDVD5)

Categories: DVD9 to DVD5, M
Tags: No Tags
Published on: September 10, 2011

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’

(2xDVD9 to 2xDVD5)

Install sequence: DVD1-DVD2

1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive.
Name one folder: MassEffect2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1.
Name the other folder: ME2_Disc2. This will be the name (Label) of DVD2.

2) Copy all the contents of the Mass Effect 2 ‘Disc1’ DVD9 to the ‘MassEffect2’ folder.

3) From the ‘MassEffect2’ folder, DELETE the ‘software’ folder.

4) From the ‘MassEffect2\data’ folder, DELETE all the ‘*.rar’ files for the languages you Do NOT want to keep. Only keep the language files for your chosen language.
NOTE: Spanish users MUST keep both the Spanish files and the English files.

5) From the ‘MassEffect2\data’ folder, DELETE the ‘datasetup.exe’ file.

6) From the ‘MassEffect2\data’ folder, DELETE all the ‘installmanifest_*.ini’ files.

7) Delete all the ‘*rtf’ and ‘*.txt’ files for the languages you Do NOT want to keep, only keep the Readme and Eula language files for YOUR chosen language.

8) COPY the following folders from the Mass Effect 2 ‘Disc2’ DVD9 to the ‘ME2_Disc2’ folder:


9) COPY the following files from the Mass Effect 2 ‘Disc2’ DVD9 to the ‘ME2_Disc2’ folder.


10) COPY ‘all’ the contents of the ‘data’ folder on the Mass Effect 2 ‘Disc2’ DVD9 to the ‘ME2_Disc2’ folder EXCEPT for the following files:

installmanifest_*.ini (all the installmanifest files)

11) EXTRACT the ‘dialog.rar’ file to another Temp folder and then Using FreeArc Re-compress the contents.

FreeArc Settings:
Output archive: dialog.arc
Compression: Maximum (192mb decompression)

12) MOVE the ‘dialog.arc’ file from the game’s install folder to the ‘ME2_Disc2\software’ folder.

13) RE-Name the ‘PhysX_9.09.0814_SystemSoftware .exe’ file in the ‘ME2_Disc2\software’ folder to: PhysX_Inst.exe

Note: For Step 14 below, Only download one of the files for your chosen language.

14) Download the correct language file for your game from one of the links below and extract the contents of the RAR file to another Temp folder.


15) From the rar file you downloaded in Step 14, copy the files to the following locations:

a) Copy the ‘installmanifest_yourlanguage.ini’ file to the ‘MassEffect2\data’ folder & also copy to the ‘ME2_Disc2\data’ folder.

b) Copy the ‘english.rar’ file to the ‘ME2_Disc2\data’ folder. (Note: This file is only for GER-ITA-FRA users.)

‘c) Copy the dialog.rar’ file to the ‘ME2_Disc2\data’ folder, Choose YES when prompted to overwrite original file.

d) Copy the ‘PhysX_9.09.0814_SystemSoftware.exe’ file to the ‘ME2_Disc2\software’ folder.

16) Burn the contents of the ‘MassEffect2’ folder to a DVD (or Create an ISO) with the Label: MassEffect2

17) Burn the contents of the ‘ME2_Disc2’ folder to a DVD (or Create an ISO) with the Label: ME2_Disc2

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