James Bond 007 Blood Stone (1xDVD5)

Categories: DVD9 to DVD5, J
Tags: No Tags
Published on: September 10, 2011

Conversion by ‘chesterfield44’

(DVD9 to 1xDVD5) [Multi 2] *INNO SETUP*

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: BloodStone_DVD5.

2) Install the game from the ‘James Bond 007 Blood Stone’ DVD9.

3) Download the ‘007BloodStone_DVD5.rar’ file from HERE and extract the contents of the RAR file to the ‘BloodStone_DVD5’ folder.

4) Using FreeArc browse to the game’s install folder and select the following folders to compress:


FreeArc Settings:
Output archive: Data
Compression: -mx -ld400m
Make EXE: Windows GUI: freearc.sfx [TICK THIS]

5) MOVE the ‘Data.exe’ file from the game’s install folder to the ‘Output’ folder.

6) DELETE the following 2 folders from the ‘Games Install’ folder:


7) Using the Notepad open the ‘compile.iss’ file in the ‘BloodStone_DVD5’ scroll down to the following line of text and edit by adding ‘your’ installed game’s path:

…. change from ….

source: “E:\Program Files\James Bond 007 – Blood Stone\*”; DestDir: “{app}” ;

…. change to ….

source: “YOURGAMEFOLDERPATH \*”; DestDir: “{app}” ;

IMPORTANT: You MUST include the Quotations (“”), Backslash (\) and Asterix (*) in YOUR path above!

8) In the ‘BloodStone_DVD5’ folder RUN the ‘compile.bat’ file and wait until the process finishes.

9) Burn the contents of the ‘Ouput’ folder to a DVD (or Create an ISO) with the Label of your choice.

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