Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Categories: CD to DVD, G
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 10, 2011

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: GTA_Vice_City. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.

2) Copy the contents of the GTA Vice City CD1 to the Temp directory.
3) From CD2 copy the “Audio” directory to the same Temp directory.

4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, and or Cracks etc.
NOTE: Name this/these folder’s whatever you want.


NOTE 2: There is a v1.1 update for Vice City but it is an UN-SUPPORTED update that corrects polygon corruption that has been noticed on certain video cards and PC combinations. This is the only change that has been made from your original version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
* Users who DO NOT have this corruption NEED NOT apply this patch *
I don”t have this problem so I don”t use the update.

5) Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: GTA_Vice_City
NOTE 3: After installing copy the Audio folder from the DVD to the Installed game directory overwriting any files when prompted.
Then copy over the NoCD exe overwriting the original exe.

Now you can play without the CD/DVD with all the ingame sounds.
The ingame music soundtrack will work even if you don”t copy over the Audio folder.

Conversion by: Grumpy

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