FIFA 10 (1xDVD5)

Categories: DVD9 to DVD5, F
Tags: No Tags
Published on: September 10, 2011

Conversion by ‘peterf1999’

(DVD9 to 1xDVD5) [Multi7] + ]Multi5] *ENGLISH ONLY*

FREEARC+MSI Custom Actions

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: FIFA10

2) Copy all the contents of the ‘FIFA 10 DVD9’ to the ‘FIFA10’ folder.

3) Using FreeArc, browse to ‘either’ the ‘data’ folder in the ‘FIFA10’ folder (FIFA10\data) OR to the ‘data’ folder on the ‘Original FIFA 10 DVD9’ and select all the ‘*.big’ files to compress:

FreeArc Settings:
Output archive: FIFA10_arc
Compression: Maximum (192mb decompression)
Make exe: Windows GUI: freearc.sfx [TICK THIS]

4) MOVE the ‘FIFA10_arc.exe’ file to the ‘FIFA10’ folder.

5) Download the ‘FIFA10 Dummy Files’ file from HERE and extract the contents of the RAR file to the ‘FIFA10’ folder, choose YES to overwrite the original files when prompted.

6) Download the ‘FIFA10_1xDVD5_Multi7.7z’ file from HERE and extract the contents of the RAR file to the ‘FIFA10’ folder overwriting any files if prompted.

NOTE: If you have the ‘Multi 5 Eastern Europe DVD’ (Eng, Hun, Rus, Pol, Cze) then Download the ‘FIFA10_1xDVD5_Multi5_Eastern_EUROPE.7z’ from HERE.

NOTE 2: If you have the ‘Multi 5 Central Europe DVD’ (Eng, Fre, Ger, Ita, Dut) ) then Download the ‘FIFA10_1xDVD5_Multi5_Central_EUROPE.7z’ from HERE.

7) Using the Notepad, Open the ‘localization.ini’ file in the ‘support’ folder and under the [LOCALES] section, insert a ‘Space Character’ in front of every row of the foreign languages you DO NOT want.
Do NOT put a SPACE in front of YOUR chosen Language!
Then Save it.

8) Burn the contents of the ‘FIFA10’ folder to a DVD (or Create an ISO) with the Label: FIFA10

Multi 5 Eastern Europe DVD (Eng, Hun, Rus, Pol, Cze)
Multi 5 Central Europe DVD (Eng, Fre, Ger, Ita, Dut)
Multi 7 Rest of Europe & Brazil DVD (Eng, Spa, Por, Swe, Dan, Bra,Mex)

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