Diablo Collection (1,2 + Expansions)

Categories: CD to DVD, D
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 9, 2011

Create a Temp folder on your harddrive.
Name this folder: DiabloDVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.

Custom Installer
Download my Diablo Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the ZIP file to the DiabloDVD folder overwriting any files if prompted.
(Custom Installer created by Skeraxe.)

* Copy all the contents from the CD to the DiabloDVD\Diablo folder.
* Copy the patch to DiabloDVD\Patches\Diablo
* Copy the crack to DiabloDVD\Cracks\Diablo

* Copy all the contents from the CD to the DiabloDVD\Hellfire folder.
* Copy the patch to DiabloDVD\Patches\Hellfire
* Copy the crack to DiabloDVD\Cracks\Hellfire

Diablo II
* Copy all the contents from CD1 to the DiabloDVD folder. Don”t overwrite any files.
* Copy all the contents from CD2 to the DiabloDVD folder. Don”t overwrite any files.
* Copy all the contents from CD3 to the DiabloDVD folder. Don”t overwrite any files.
* Rename DiabloDVD\Install.exe to DiabloDVD\Install_D2.exe
* Copy the 1.12a patch to DiabloDVD\Patches\Diablo2

Lord of Destruction
* Copy all the contents from the CD to the DiabloDVD\LOD folder.
* Copy the 1.12a patch to DiabloDVD\Patches\LOD
* Rename DiabloDVD\LOD\Install.exe to DiabloDVD\LOD\Install_LOD.exe
* Rename DiabloDVD\LOD\Setup.mpq to DiabloDVD\LOD\Setux.mpq
* Open in any HEX editor DiabloDVD\LOD\Install_LOD.exe
Search for the string “SETUP.MPQ” and replace it with “SETUX.MPQ”
(Without the quotes)

* Copy all the contents from the DiabloDVD\LOD folder to the DiabloDVD folder. Don’t overwrite any files except Binkw32.dll

Automated Serial Injection
Open DiabloDVD\Autorun.inf in any texteditor and change the following settings.

Diablo2Name=XXXXXXX …Replace with your name
Diablo2Serial=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX …Replace with your Diablo2 Serial
Diablo2Title=Diablo II – CD-key. …Check ** for extra information
LODSerial=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX …Replace with your LOD Serial
LODTitle=Diablo II: Lord of Destruction – CD-key. …Check ** for extra information
AutoAcceptKey=True …Set to false if you don”t want it to automatically continue after inserting the serial

You can also change the ICON setting to any game icon. There are some examples in the autorun.inf.

** New feature in the Serial code, usually I left this inside the exe but then the menu would only work with the english version.
When the setup asks for the serial, the window title (in the blue bar) should be the same.
If you have a different language, copy the window title to this setting in order to let the menu work.

Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: DiabloDVD
Note: Some people might have problems with LOD, in this case, try the label: EXPANSION

Information about the menu
* The menu checks which games you have on the DVD and will only show the correct buttons.
* The menu can automatically insert the serial code into the setup so you don’t have to type it.
* This menu was build for Update Version 1.12a of Diablo II and Lord of Destruction which has a build-in NoCD.
The crack button will only copy the needed mpq files to the install folder so no additional crack is needed.

Additional Credits
Thanks to Mondragon for providing a way for getting Diablo2 and it’s Expansion LOD on 1 DVD
I only added Diablo and Hellfire to his conversion.

Conversion by: Skeraxe

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